2022 Ram Sale Results

189 rams were offered at our 9th annual ram sale on 19th October.

The top price on the day was an incredible $52,000 with an average sale price of $3101.

We would like to thank all buyers and bidders for your support with this year’s achievements.

Click here to view the sale catalogue.

2021 Ram Sale Results

174 rams (2020 drop) were offered and sold with full ASBVs to a top of $26 000 and an average of $3961.

Lynley, Alan and Wendy Anderson sincerely thank all buyers and bidders who sought our rams to achieve this amazing result.

Click here to view the sale catalogue.

Despite the significant increase in rams offered this year our sale team averages were  still in the top 5% for PWT, YWT, WEC and DP+, and top 10% for EMD, FAT, CV, YSC, and low Breech wrinkle.

2020 Ram Sale Results

Our 7th annual ram sale was held on the 21st October, on farm and on Auctions Plus.

147/150 rams sold to a top of $10400, and average $2437.

We are extremely grateful to all buyers and bidders for your support at the sale.

Click here to view the sale catalogue.

2019 Ram Sale Results

114 rams (2018 drop) offered and sold.

Average $2780, top price $9000.

Click here to view the sale catalogue